"Not only does Randy Cain know his subject matter, he has that rarest of rare qualities - the ability to impart his knowledge to students."
- Louis Awerbuck
- Louis Awerbuck
"Randy Cain is an exceptional person and instructor. His classes are small, intense, and a whole lot of fun. Cain is friend and protégé of the late, great Louis Awerbuck and has an uncanny ability to properly diagnose shooter’s problems."
- Pat Rogers
- Pat Rogers

"I must say his reputation precedes him and it is all positive. His students respect him deeply and as a fellow instructor I am relieved to have Randy’s students sign up for my classes. I know that they will be switched on and have a great understanding of the fundamentals. When I have chatted with Randy he is a quiet and respectable man who let’s his work speak for itself. If you are in need of firearms training he is at the top of the list in my book."
- Kyle Lamb
- Kyle Lamb
"I am a Deputy Sheriff in Miami-Dade. I went to Randy Cain to learn pistol work but I ended up learning a lot more than just weapons handling. He taught us about having a fighting/survival mindset, how to be aware of our surroundings, and to identity a potential threat before it even happens. His ability to see my shooting deficiencies and communicate to me how to fix them are the reasons why I have continued to attend his courses for the past 23 years."
- Jason Benitez
- Jason Benitez

"I’ve been a serious student for years. I’ve spent 9 weeks at 3 different famous fixed training facilities, and have trained with more than 10 different well known itinerant instructors. I keep going back to Cumberland Tactics. When my brother needed training, and when my teenage son was ready for training, that’s where I took them. Everyone teaches the fundamentals; Randy Cain imparts them.”
- Tim Burke
- Tim Burke
"Humble, Credible and Approachable. Those are three adjectives that I would use to describe Randy Cain. I spent a charmed 28 year career in the US Air Force in a mix of combat rescue and special operations assignments in which we got to regularly shoot with some of the best instructors in the world. Take note that I would spend my own money and travel to Florida just to have Randy impart his wisdom on me. What set Randy apart? His emphasis on the basics of combat marksmanship and the flat out ability to teach."
- Michael McBee
- Michael McBee

"I was referred to Randy as a teenager when I wasn’t even old enough to carry a handgun. Fast forward to numerous courses under Mr. Cain’s fantastic instruction and I am now working in a tactical unit in a major metropolitan sheriffs office where I also assist in the unit's firearms training. I have been very fortunate to learn from a multitude of instructors with various backgrounds and experiences and I can say without a doubt Randy Cain is one of the most knowledgeable instructors I’ve ever encountered. His ability to diagnose and treat your shooting deficiencies is unparalleled. Through his classes I have developed shooting skills that have given me the confidence in my abilities to not only make high liability shots but more importantly, give me the ability to better asses critical incidents in real time. I am eternally grateful for his patience and willingness to take on a young pupil and transform him into the professional I have become. I have and will continue to recommend Randy Cain’s courses to anyone who is truly serious about carrying a firearm.”
- Jacob Lendic
- Jacob Lendic
As a Police Officer for over 28 years and a SWAT team member with a large agency in South Florida I understand the importance of solid fundamentals and advanced training. I have taken multiple classes from Randy Cain. I remember calling to thank him for his training the morning after having to put my skills to use saving my life and the lives of fellow officers on scene when we were shot at by a murder suspect. Fundamentals win gunfights! Randy has an innate ability to teach and to diagnose shooter errors. I recommend all officers invest in themselves and take these classes.”
-Jack DiCristofalo, Detective
-Jack DiCristofalo, Detective

"Spanning the past two decades I've had the honor and pleasure of working with Randy on several federal contracts and know first hand that you'd be very hard pressed to find a better, more knowledgable instructor with a unique ability to raise your level of understanding and skill."
- Steve Tarani
- Steve Tarani
"I am a Vietnam combat veteran, who qualified `Expert' on the pistol, and I profited immensely from the Tactical Handgun 101 course. Randy Cain has a God-given talent as a teacher. His manner and attention to detail took 16 different people with varied skill levels and improved everyone’s shooting in a measurable, and in some cases, a dramatic way. Some of the attendees had almost no experience with a pistol, while others were professional law enforcement officers. Randy is by far the best firearms instructor I have ever known.” - Col. James Mowery (U.S. Army Ret.)